Monday, February 4, 2008

February 4, 2008

Time and time again, I return to the reality that our experience in this lifetime is simply an external manifestation of what is going on within us. I deeply believe that a loving person lives in a loving world. Everywhere they look, they are able to connect with the loving energies around them. Likewise, a hostile person lives in a hostile world and they create or attract experience that affirms and perpetuates their hostility. Unfortunately, the fearful person lives in a scary world and their thoughts, beliefs and actions will keep them trapped in a state of perpetual fear and inertia. Without connecting with the notion that we are somehow responsible for either creating our reality or for our response to external stimuli, we might fall into the trap of thinking that life is something that happens to us, rather than something that we co-create.

Once again, it is a matter of "where the mind goes, the energy flows." But as I am fond of saying, the past does not equal the future. It really is this simple... If you don't like your life, change your mind. Think about that sentence.. CHANGE YOUR MIND. For when you change the way you process the world, when you change the things you believe about yourself and what you are worthy of, when you change your expectations about what life is going to deliver to you, then change is inevitable. This line of thinking is a bit of a double-edged sword, however. For when we believe that we are somehow responsible for creating our experience, we can no longer blame anything or anyone for our misfortunes. Then the question becomes, is it easier to change or to live in denial (which will perpetuate your present state of being)?

Albert Einstein has been quoted as saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Let's carry that logic one step further. Something is out of whack when we hold fast to thoughts, ideas and belief systems (particularly about ourselves) that don't serve our highest good and yet we hope and pray that someday we will be happy. Ultimately, the choice is yours... Remember that you are an amazing creative energy capable of involving and creating health, wealth, love and personal power beyond your wildest imaginations. And all it will take is a change of heart, a change of thought, a change of belief and a change of mind. And above all, remember that you are most deserving of a life most wonderful. And so it is.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31, 2008

Our two most precious resources are time and energy. Everything that we have, everything that we are and everything that we are becoming somehow relates to, or is the by-product of how we spend our time and energy. Because we have a limited supply of both, I try and remain aware of where and how I am spending my time and energy, to ensure that I am constantly creating and attracting my highest good. It seems easier to keep track of time than energy, in part because unless we pay close attention to it, our energy can get sapped by things without our intention or permission. One of the examples that comes to mind of how we can waste energy is in the dealing with tolerations.

When working with coaching clients, I give them a program called, "Clean Sweep" that helps them identify things in their lives that they are tolerating. Tolerations vary from person to person but can include everything from unpaid bills to important conversations you have been meaning to have, to the upkeep and maintenance of your car. Depending on what you are tolerating, you could be spending a lot of energy either avoiding something or possibly dealing with something that you could otherwise change. Unfortunately, it usually isn't until you clear the toleration that you realize that it has consumed precious energy. In retrospect, it is usually better to expend the energy to clear the toleration that it is to live with it.

Think about an area of your life where you are tolerating some dissatisfaction or discomfort. Take the steps necessary to rid the tolerations. Remember that by cleaning the tolerations, it frees your energy to help create the kind of life that you desire and deserve. And you deserve every happiness, as you are an amazing contribution to the world. And so it is.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29, 2008

On the History Channel this past weekend appeared a series of programs relating to the end of the world. Program after program predicted or speculated about how and when the world (at least the world as we know it) will come to an end. One of the more startling predictions which comes from both the Mayan Calendar as well as the I-Ching, was that the world will end on the morning of the winter solstice (December 21), 2012. Other programs talked at length about such issues as a possible shift in the earth's polarity, cataclysmic earthquakes, and global flooding caused by global warming.

At first, I got emotionally sucked in because of the fear factor associated with the demise of the planet. But then I started thinking about the fact that short of doing my part to help live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, I have little control over events that might happen to bring about the end of days. For the rest of the day, I thought about the implications of the world possibly coming to an end in five years. On a humorous note, I was relieved that I could give up worries about starting my retirement savings a bit too late.... On a more serious note, I started thinking about all of the things that I would want to do before the final curtain fell.

The questions then became:

* What do I want to accomplish in this lifetime?
* What do I need to do to get to that place?
* If I want to die with no regrets, what do I need to do to clean the plate?
* What do I need to do to release any notion of postponing joy?
* To whom do I need to express my love?
* How can I, in the most responsible way live for today?

Just for today, think about the fact that regardless of what the future may or may not hold, each day is a gift. We are all here to become all that we are meant to be. And above all, we are here to help each other get back to the garden through the development and perpetuation of love. Life is amazing.. and so are you. And so it is.

Monday, January 28, 2008

January 28, 2008

I got a call from my childhood friend Mary asking if I was available for lunch. I jumped at the chance because although we live in the same city and have spoken several times on the phone since moving back to Pittsburgh, we had not seen each other for more than ten years. Mary and I met in 6th grade when she moved across the street from me and we became best friends. Throughout grade-school, high school and the early college years, we remained very close and together, survived our tumultuous adolescence. Mary was really more than a friend.. she was more like a member of my family... even accompanying us on a number of family vacations.

As is often the case when physical distance separates friends, we fell out of touch when I left home to pursue my life. But Mary and I had built such a strong bond that the distance and years had little impact on my deep devotion and love for her. She was such an important part of my past that in my heart, I knew we would always be connected. During our lunch, we spent hours catching up. Seeing her again was a little like reliving our past... good times.. bad times... joys and pain... all of it came washing over us. As our lunch drew to a close I was so happy to have reconnected.

For several days following our lunch, I spent a lot of time reflecting on who I was and on who Mary was some 30 years ago. It was easy to see how each of us grew into the people that we did, as the foundation for who we are was firmly established back then. Although I don't think it is a good thing to dwell in the past, you can gain a lot of insight into who you are by remembering who you were. Even more important however is to reach out over the years and miles to reconnect with those who played a meaningful role in your life and who helped you become who you are. The love is still there, as real love never stops. And so it is.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 16, 2008

One of the things I have learned as I make my way through life is that we are all seeking to confirm that we matter. We want to know that our presence on the planet makes a difference. We want to know that the work we do is important and something for which we can both be recognized and proud. We want to know that the energy we put into relationships is somehow contributing to a higher good. And yes, we all want to know that we are loved. This stuff is universal.

It is interesting to note, however, that for many people, when the confirmation that they seek comes, it is often rebuffed. Although I loved to hear compliments and praise, my response to their delivery was usually to negate what had been said, either verbally or internally. I didn't realize that I was doing this until a friend confronted me about it, upset that I denied anything positive. When I realized that he was trying to deliver a gift and I was refusing it, I learned how to be gracious and accept it. I learned to own the good stuff that was being delivered.

Just for today, recognize when someone is complimenting you or praising you for the contributions you make. Accept the praise... allow it in and know that you are worthy of it.... you are worthy of recognition... you are worthy of love. And so it is.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 15, 2008

As a part of my life coach training, I participated in a series of classes that helped me to get in touch with my personal foundation. You see, in order to build the kind of solid and stable life that I wanted, it was important for me to develop a strong foundation. Accordingly, I spent time and energy understanding where my baselines were strong and where they needed attention. Throughout my personal foundation work, I came to realize that I had a story with which I identified. It is more or less an accumulation of thoughts, ideas and beliefs that I hold about myself and about my potential to attract the kind of life that I want. We all have a story and we all frequently cast ourselves in a specific role.

As I work with people, I listen for their story and the role in which they cast themselves. Whether that role is the underdog, the hero, the addict, or the victim, (and there are many more...) their telling and retelling of their story reveals the belief system that is keeping them stuck where they are. The more a person identifies with their story, the more difficult it becomes for them to move beyond it and develop a new reality. Our story line tends to perpetuate itself because the laws of creation and attraction more or less give us what we believe we deserve. In other words, we attract people and experiences into our lives that reinforce who we are... that reinforce our role... that reinforce our story. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to matter how painful or negative the story is, we tend to hang onto it and define ourselves by it.

Just for today, listen to the people around you and try and determine what their story is. If you listen to any one person for any length of time, you will be able to see the role in which they have cast themselves. Then, if you have not already done so, listen to yourself to see if there are patterns that surface when you speak. Are you unknowingly playing a role that is keeping you from creating your perfect life? In spite of what you might learn, remember that the past does not equal the future and you are free to rewrite your story at any point in time. Change your story and change your life. Remember that you are worthy of the best that this world has to give. And so it is.

Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14, 2008

My dreams of late have been both vivid and memorable and most of them have revolved around the theme of transition. For the past several weeks, I have dreamt of crossing bridges, boarding planes or trains or driving.... all of which signify to me, some sort of change on the horizon. I don't normally remember my dreams so when I do, they usually mean I should pay attention to them. And whenever I dream of transition, I get really excited as it usually serves to announce a new way of thinking or being. Rather than viewing my dreams as an ominous portent of things to come, I opt to see things in a more positive light. Rather than looking for cues and signs of impending doom or gloom, I begin to look for subtle cues or signs that lead my thinking and behavior in a good direction.

Last night I had a dream that I was supposed to deliver a key-note address to a really large audience. For some reason, I found myself sitting at a table, waiting to be introduced and I had not yet written my address. At the last minute, with pen in hand, I jotted down some thoughts. Looking down at the paper, I read that I had written the inspiration for my talk... "transcend your thinking." The dream ended as I was walking to the podium with a feeling that I was about to deliver a powerful message to the audience. And when I woke this morning, the thoughts about transcending your thinking were still ringing in my ears. Again, rather than thinking about the dream as a dire warning, I see it as an inspiration to bring about positive change.

So... from my dreams to you.. the message for this day is to transcend your thinking. A consistent theme running through my writings is that because your thoughts create your reality, changing the thoughts that you think will bring about a new way of living... a new way of being. However, the message in my dream includes the image of transcendence, which denotes more than simply changing your mind... rather it indicates rising above or moving to a higher plane of consciousness. Rather than choosing to think different thoughts, the message seems to be to adopt a new way of thinking... a new way of being. However you choose to personalize it, spend some time this day thinking about transcendence and moving to a higher state of being. What kind of thinking would you need to adopt to assist with transcendence? How could you open to love today to help with seeking higher ground? How could you serve to be a ve hicle for love in your life and in the lives of others today? Remember this day and always that you are worthy of all of the love in the universe... And so it is.