Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14, 2008

My dreams of late have been both vivid and memorable and most of them have revolved around the theme of transition. For the past several weeks, I have dreamt of crossing bridges, boarding planes or trains or driving.... all of which signify to me, some sort of change on the horizon. I don't normally remember my dreams so when I do, they usually mean I should pay attention to them. And whenever I dream of transition, I get really excited as it usually serves to announce a new way of thinking or being. Rather than viewing my dreams as an ominous portent of things to come, I opt to see things in a more positive light. Rather than looking for cues and signs of impending doom or gloom, I begin to look for subtle cues or signs that lead my thinking and behavior in a good direction.

Last night I had a dream that I was supposed to deliver a key-note address to a really large audience. For some reason, I found myself sitting at a table, waiting to be introduced and I had not yet written my address. At the last minute, with pen in hand, I jotted down some thoughts. Looking down at the paper, I read that I had written the inspiration for my talk... "transcend your thinking." The dream ended as I was walking to the podium with a feeling that I was about to deliver a powerful message to the audience. And when I woke this morning, the thoughts about transcending your thinking were still ringing in my ears. Again, rather than thinking about the dream as a dire warning, I see it as an inspiration to bring about positive change.

So... from my dreams to you.. the message for this day is to transcend your thinking. A consistent theme running through my writings is that because your thoughts create your reality, changing the thoughts that you think will bring about a new way of living... a new way of being. However, the message in my dream includes the image of transcendence, which denotes more than simply changing your mind... rather it indicates rising above or moving to a higher plane of consciousness. Rather than choosing to think different thoughts, the message seems to be to adopt a new way of thinking... a new way of being. However you choose to personalize it, spend some time this day thinking about transcendence and moving to a higher state of being. What kind of thinking would you need to adopt to assist with transcendence? How could you open to love today to help with seeking higher ground? How could you serve to be a ve hicle for love in your life and in the lives of others today? Remember this day and always that you are worthy of all of the love in the universe... And so it is.

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