Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31, 2008

Our two most precious resources are time and energy. Everything that we have, everything that we are and everything that we are becoming somehow relates to, or is the by-product of how we spend our time and energy. Because we have a limited supply of both, I try and remain aware of where and how I am spending my time and energy, to ensure that I am constantly creating and attracting my highest good. It seems easier to keep track of time than energy, in part because unless we pay close attention to it, our energy can get sapped by things without our intention or permission. One of the examples that comes to mind of how we can waste energy is in the dealing with tolerations.

When working with coaching clients, I give them a program called, "Clean Sweep" that helps them identify things in their lives that they are tolerating. Tolerations vary from person to person but can include everything from unpaid bills to important conversations you have been meaning to have, to the upkeep and maintenance of your car. Depending on what you are tolerating, you could be spending a lot of energy either avoiding something or possibly dealing with something that you could otherwise change. Unfortunately, it usually isn't until you clear the toleration that you realize that it has consumed precious energy. In retrospect, it is usually better to expend the energy to clear the toleration that it is to live with it.

Think about an area of your life where you are tolerating some dissatisfaction or discomfort. Take the steps necessary to rid the tolerations. Remember that by cleaning the tolerations, it frees your energy to help create the kind of life that you desire and deserve. And you deserve every happiness, as you are an amazing contribution to the world. And so it is.

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