Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 16, 2008

One of the things I have learned as I make my way through life is that we are all seeking to confirm that we matter. We want to know that our presence on the planet makes a difference. We want to know that the work we do is important and something for which we can both be recognized and proud. We want to know that the energy we put into relationships is somehow contributing to a higher good. And yes, we all want to know that we are loved. This stuff is universal.

It is interesting to note, however, that for many people, when the confirmation that they seek comes, it is often rebuffed. Although I loved to hear compliments and praise, my response to their delivery was usually to negate what had been said, either verbally or internally. I didn't realize that I was doing this until a friend confronted me about it, upset that I denied anything positive. When I realized that he was trying to deliver a gift and I was refusing it, I learned how to be gracious and accept it. I learned to own the good stuff that was being delivered.

Just for today, recognize when someone is complimenting you or praising you for the contributions you make. Accept the praise... allow it in and know that you are worthy of it.... you are worthy of recognition... you are worthy of love. And so it is.

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