Friday, December 21, 2007

December 21, 2007

Awaken precious child of God, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. What an amazing thought... Rather than some kind of doomsday warning, this simple phrase is actually a key to opening the door to a new way of being. I believe that we (each of us) are busy creating our own collective heaven or our own private hell. With each moment we are alive, we are choosing to live in a state of anxiety, pain and fear or in a state of joy, peace and love. If you don't yet understand that this is a choice, look deeper. Life is a journey with many many paths to the top of the mountain. Which do you choose? It is important to remember that you can just as easily learn lessons through joy and the peace of God than you can through pain and fear.

The reality is, we all have the knowledge within us about how to unlock the gates of heaven while here on earth. The sad truth is, so few choose to wake up and become fully alive. So few choose to develop a clear spiritual practice that serves to feed the soul and serves as a beacon to light the path and lead the way. Yes, the ultimate reality is that love is the answer.. love is the way. Awaken precious child of God, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And so it is.

For those of you who happen to practice a Christian spiritual tradition or otherwise observe the holiday, a most blessed Christmas to you. Allow this day to serve as a re-birth of your commitment to participate in the here-and-now kingdom of heaven. Allow this day to serve as your return to love. On a personal note, thank you all for your on-going encouragement and support. Your emails are fantastic and continue to inspire me to write. I will be taking next week off to spend some good time with John. We wish you and your family a Merry Merry Christmas. See you again on New Year's Day. Love to you!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

December 20, 2007

Sometimes I forget that I am responsible for the importance that I assign to things that happen in my life. And sometimes I forget that I can choose to change the panic level from high to low. When I am making my way through the day (particularly at work) and something goes awry, it is east to kick into auto-pilot and let the emotions of the moment carry me away. I occasionally lose all concept of the real importance of what I am dealing with until I take a step back, breathe and remember that I can choose to respond versus react. When I back away from an emotional reaction and execute a well thought out response, the results are always good. In some respects, this essentially breaks down to the love/fear dichotomy. In fact, unless you live in a state of perpetual love, our reactions are fear-based whereas our response can be love-based.

Let's move this line of thinking outside of the work arena and away from the reaction/response mode of living. A lot of what we experience throughout our day is based on the importance and priority that we assign to it. And much of how we make our way through the day is a result of conditioning (auto-pilot-reaction/response). But the reality is, by examining our thoughts, beliefs and actions, we can live more intentionally and make different choices. If you find this concept difficult to accept, take a minute and focus on one of the more major problems that is currently vying for your attention. Think about the importance you assign to it and how you can let it impact many facets of your life. Now think about how you might feel differently about this problem if you are facing a real life or death crisis (unless of course the problem is that you are facing a life or death crisis). How has the importance level of the problem changed? Granted, this is a dramatic demonstration of how we can alter our mental focus to impact the importance that we assign to things.

Just for today, think about how you may be causing undue stress or dis-ease in your life because of the importance and priority to which you have assigned things. Realize that you can make another choice and then make that choice. Watch to see how simply changing your mind... changing your mental focus can help to bring you back into balance. Above all, remember that you are ultimately responsible for the co-creation of your reality and that you deserve every happiness... now and always. And so it it.

Monday, December 17, 2007

December 17, 2007

Good and Happy Monday to you all.... I was completely ready to sit down and write a new daily this morning relating to Al Gore's acceptance speech for winning the Nobel Prize. However, when I logged on to the computer, I was greeted with the news of Dan Fogelberg's death from prostate cancer. Although I didn't know Dan personally, his music touched my life in ways that are hard to describe. He was able to communicate so much through both music and lyrics... an amazing amazing soul and spirit. It is interesting that Dan's song Face the Fire released in 1980 was a call to abandon nuclear power and "turn to the sun" (explore renewable energy sources). More than a quarter-century later, one of my other personal hero's Al Gore is also sounding the alarm. If you have not yet read his acceptance speech, do yourself a favor... visit In the meantime, here is an inspiration I wrote back in October 2006:

For years now I have been hearing buzz words like “global warming” and “green house gases” but never understood the implications of what was happening and how we were damaging the planet. The full thrust of the issue didn’t hit me until I saw Al Gore’s movie, “An Inconvenient Truth.” (If you have not yet seen this movie, please do. This movie is not an effort to advance any political agenda but rather it is a selfless effort to help heal the Earth.) I left the theater shocked and appalled that I had essentially chosen to bury my head in the sand and deny that we were doing irreparable harm to the environment. I tried to justify my lack of attention by reasoning that the issue was too big for me to impact and that other people would take the lead in responding.

The reality is, if I am not a part of the solution, I am definitely a part of the problem. I had never been taught to think that the way I lived my life had an impact on the environment. I had never been taught how to strive for “zero-impact living.” I had never been taught that living in a “disposable society” where we successfully hide our garbage and mask the pollution that we create contributes to our denial and ignorance. I had never been taught that because environmental issues are “an inconvenient truth” that we have been lulled to sleep thinking that all is right with the world. My hope and prayer is that I, we, all of us are not waking up too late to undo the damage that we have done.

Just for today (and beyond), think about the impact that your lifestyle is having on the planet. Visit the web space “” to learn more about the issue and to learn how you can help to heal the planet. I am convinced that it will take a concerted, collective effort to bring about positive change. I also believe that we have the power to rescue the planet and preserve its dignity for generations to come. And so it is.

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 14, 2007

I used to be obsessed with things that happened in the past. I would lay awake at night and replay conversations or situations from the day (or previous days) that had not gone well. I could literally fall asleep thinking of all of the things that I could have or should have said or done which would have created a different outcome. As one regret would fade into oblivion, another would be there to take its place. Rather than emotionally experiencing the situation once, I would relive it full force, again and again.

Another one of my pastimes was to worry about the future. "Ah, let's play a great game of 'what if.' The game of 'what if' consists of....well, to put it simply...Worrying! "Panic now...beat the rush!!!" Even though 99% of the things about which I would worry never come to fruition, I would spend hours spinning a potential situation into the worst possible outcomes. The problem with this kind of mental pastime is that it causes fear and pain and does not lead to the creation of anything good and positive and wonderful.

Of course, obsessing about the future is just as useless as obsessing about the past. The only real power we have is in the present. If you find yourself dwelling in either the past or the future, use your mental focus to gently bring yourself back to the present. Bless your past and prepare for your future, but use your energy in the "here and now" to create the life that you fully desire. Your "present" is powerful. And so are you. And so it is.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

December 13, 2007

There are times when I get so bogged down with the details of life and living that I forget some really important things. For example, I tend to forget that the people in my life (friends, family, colleagues, my partner, etc.) are NOT guest stars or support players in the screenplay of my life.... just as I am not a guest star or support player in the screenplay of anyone else's life. This factor is critical, especially when people don't behave according to my script.... when people don't meet my expectations for how they should behave (especially in reference to me). Luckily, I have gotten to the point where I can chuckle at myself for getting upset when people don't meet my expectations and can quickly let go of any anger or resentment. I simply remind myself that for the most part, they are doing the best that they can and that they didn't wake up this morning setting out to upset my emotional apple-cart.

The other thing that is important to remember in reference to your relationships is that everyone enters the relationship with strengths, weaknesses, talents, skills and limitations. And you must honor the entire package.. the things you deem good and the things you deem not so good. It is perfectly unreasonable, for example to make demands of someone when those demands exceed a person's limitations. Yes, you can wish that they were somehow different or that they had a broader capacity to meet your expectations or to meet your needs. But the reality is, that you do yourself and the other person a huge disservice by expecting them to be more than they have the capacity to be at the present time. They are who they are. I know these things seem simple enough to comprehend, but the reality is, we all have a tendency to try and impose our wishes, desires and expectations onto others, especially when our emotional buttons get pushed.

Just for today, spend some time contemplating the expectations you have of other people within your sphere of influence. Weigh out whether or not those expectations are reasonable, especially in reference to the person's ability to help meet your needs. Get in touch with the reason why you entered the relationship. Remember that healthy relationships rarely start with either partner expecting the other person to change to meet their needs. Do your best to release unhealthy or unrealistic expectations that you have related to other people. Embrace them for who they are or release them to their own highest good. Above all, remember that you are worthy of having your needs met... and you are oh-so worthy of love. And so it is.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007

I watched the news this evening and the lead story was about the terrible ice storms that have hit a number of states in the heartland of the United States. The prediction is that it will take a week or more for the power to be restored to tens of thousands of home. The only time I ever experienced a long-term utility outage was when I was living in Los Angeles during the Northridge earthquake and was without power for nine days... but that was Los Angeles and although it was January, it was relatively warm outside. I can't imagine enduring a loss of utilities in the throes of winter.

I spent the rest of the evening reflecting on how much we take for granted. It reminds me of the Joni Mitchell lyrics, "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til it's gone..." I realized that somehow or another I have fallen out of the practice of starting each day with prayers and thoughts of gratitude. You see, for the longest time, I would begin each day reflecting on all of the things for which I am grateful. As I believe that you will get more of the things you focus on, I think it is essential for us to spend time giving thanks for all that we are... for all that we have.. and for all that we are becoming. Regardless of how I got out of the habit, a simple story on the evening news served to remind me to once again begin each day with my ritual of giving thanks... And I have so much for which to be thankful!

Just for today, spend some time giving thanks for all of the blessings in your life. Remember that "where the mind goes, the energy flows." Take note of the new blessings that arrive in your life as you develop a habit of gratitude. You will find that the more gratitude you express, the more abundance you will attract. And for the record... you are a beautiful ray of light worthy of all the good in the universe... And I am eternally grateful for your allowing me to participate in your life. And so it is.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11, 2007

As you can imagine, I spend a lot of time thinking about the roadblocks that people encounter that keep them from connecting with the notion that they are worthy of all of the good the universe has to offer. With the passage of time, I grow increasingly convinced that there is a direct connection between our capacity to love ourselves and our capacity to embody the energy necessary to attract abundance in ALL areas of our lives. I fully realize that on the surface at least, this line of thinking tends to "blame the victim" for it is usually negative life circumstances that precipitates feelings of low self-esteem, self-worth and self-love. How can I be judgmental about people who for whatever reason have been made to feel "less than" worthy of.... ? How can I possibly blame them for not being able to attract and create abundance in their lives when the world has dealt them such a bad hand?

In actuality, we are not dealing with judgment and blame, but rather we are dealing with universal law. If our thoughts and energy serve to create our reality, does it not stand to reason that our thoughts about ourselves serve to inform the reality that we are creating? In other words, if we think poorly about ourselves, we will attract things and people and experiences that will confirm our beliefs we hold about ourselves and what we feel we deserve. And when we think loving and affirming thoughts about ourselves, we also attract things and people and experiences that will confirm our beliefs we hold about ourselves and what we feel we deserve. So how can we use this knowledge to help create a different experience?

I don't mean to suggest that a change of mind and a change of attitude is as easy as flipping on a light-switch. In fact, it can take years of sometimes painful work to move beyond the consciousness of limitation and victimization. However, by spending time each day to get in touch with the source and working to open ourselves to love, we move closer to developing a habit of self love.... we move closer to attracting abundance in the areas of health, wealth, love and personal power.... we move closer to believing that we are worthy of all the good the universe has to offer.... And so we are... And so it is!

Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10, 2007

The holiday season tends to bring out the best and the worst in people. Perhaps I am just more sensitive to it but I have witnessed many many acts of kindness and generosity directed at people who are in need... the perfect picture of what the season is about for me. Yet when I am anywhere near a shopping mall, I am bowled over by the consumerism that has become equated with Christmas and I am reminded that for large numbers of people, this is what the season is about. Knowing that my reality is a by-product of where I invest my energy, I have made a conscious decision to turn my back on the materialism and focus on the joy and peace and love that rests at the heart of the holidays.

When John and I started planning for the holidays this year, we decided that we were going to do our best to create the magic that we felt as young boys. We shared the vision of wanting to focus on all of the things that made us feel joyful..... From decoarting the tree, to baking christmas cookies, to watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special to singing along with Olivia Newton John's latest Christmas CD.... we were going to be mindful to live out the season in a state of joy. We realized that there is a lot of energy out there vying for our attention... some good and some not so good. Accordingly, we remain vigilant in keeping our focus on the blessings in our lives and in the season.

Just for today, think about how you can create joy for yourself throughout the holiday season (and beyond). Think about what it would mean to live in a state of perpetual joy and happiness. Remember that where you put your mental focus, your energy is sure to follow. For the next several weeks, remember the magic that you felt as a child and do what you can to recreate that warm, loving state of being for yourself and all of those in your sphere of influence. Take time to remember those not as fortunate as you and do what you can to reach out and help Above all, remember that you are worthy of every joy and happiness. And so it is.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

December 8, 2007

I have spent several weeks now spiralling into a state of divine discomfort. I tend to do this whenever I feel that I am getting stagnant in some aspect of my life....whenever I feel that I have somehow stalled along my path...whenever I feel that my spiritual, emotional or physical growth has waned. I find this all particularly ironic as I am a creature of habit and seek solace in the known and the routine. I have come to realize that I simultaneously seek my balance by surrounding myself with the familiar and by introducing cerebral, physical or spiritual stimulation into my current reality. After transcending the notion that comfort and stimulation are mutually exclusive domains, I surrendered to the fact that to break through my malcontent, I need to create change. So rather than trying to squelch my discomfort by denying or ignoring it, I welcome it as the impetus to continue along my path.

I also find that although from time to time I need a break from writing, I really miss it when I am not doing it. It seems that the constant mental stimulation derived from writing my inspirations tends to keep me growing and thinking and viewing life through a larger lens. Conversely, when I am on hiatus from writing or speaking or teaching about love and spirit and the nature of the universe, my world view tends to diminish. I have surrendered to the reality that I can't live a full-throttle existence without resting from time to time. However, I need to remain vigilant in recognizing when it is time to move off the dime and jump back into the fray.

So, with that, dear friends, I am happy to report that after a break that lasted a little bit longer than anticipated, I am once again publishing my daily inspirations. This time out, however, I have chosen to publish the dailies on my blog-space in an effort to allow others to jump into the discussion. I encourage you to write and share your insights and opinions, for I came to realize years ago that I don't have the market cornered on reality. As I see each of us both teacher and student I ascribe to the notion that we learn best from one another. Regardless of how you choose to participate in the daily inspirations, I thank you for the opportunity to participate in your life. I thank you for giving me a reason to find my voice and for allowing me to become a channel through which universal truth sometimes flows. The process is wonderful... and so are you... And so it is!