Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10, 2007

The holiday season tends to bring out the best and the worst in people. Perhaps I am just more sensitive to it but I have witnessed many many acts of kindness and generosity directed at people who are in need... the perfect picture of what the season is about for me. Yet when I am anywhere near a shopping mall, I am bowled over by the consumerism that has become equated with Christmas and I am reminded that for large numbers of people, this is what the season is about. Knowing that my reality is a by-product of where I invest my energy, I have made a conscious decision to turn my back on the materialism and focus on the joy and peace and love that rests at the heart of the holidays.

When John and I started planning for the holidays this year, we decided that we were going to do our best to create the magic that we felt as young boys. We shared the vision of wanting to focus on all of the things that made us feel joyful..... From decoarting the tree, to baking christmas cookies, to watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special to singing along with Olivia Newton John's latest Christmas CD.... we were going to be mindful to live out the season in a state of joy. We realized that there is a lot of energy out there vying for our attention... some good and some not so good. Accordingly, we remain vigilant in keeping our focus on the blessings in our lives and in the season.

Just for today, think about how you can create joy for yourself throughout the holiday season (and beyond). Think about what it would mean to live in a state of perpetual joy and happiness. Remember that where you put your mental focus, your energy is sure to follow. For the next several weeks, remember the magic that you felt as a child and do what you can to recreate that warm, loving state of being for yourself and all of those in your sphere of influence. Take time to remember those not as fortunate as you and do what you can to reach out and help Above all, remember that you are worthy of every joy and happiness. And so it is.

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