Saturday, December 8, 2007

December 8, 2007

I have spent several weeks now spiralling into a state of divine discomfort. I tend to do this whenever I feel that I am getting stagnant in some aspect of my life....whenever I feel that I have somehow stalled along my path...whenever I feel that my spiritual, emotional or physical growth has waned. I find this all particularly ironic as I am a creature of habit and seek solace in the known and the routine. I have come to realize that I simultaneously seek my balance by surrounding myself with the familiar and by introducing cerebral, physical or spiritual stimulation into my current reality. After transcending the notion that comfort and stimulation are mutually exclusive domains, I surrendered to the fact that to break through my malcontent, I need to create change. So rather than trying to squelch my discomfort by denying or ignoring it, I welcome it as the impetus to continue along my path.

I also find that although from time to time I need a break from writing, I really miss it when I am not doing it. It seems that the constant mental stimulation derived from writing my inspirations tends to keep me growing and thinking and viewing life through a larger lens. Conversely, when I am on hiatus from writing or speaking or teaching about love and spirit and the nature of the universe, my world view tends to diminish. I have surrendered to the reality that I can't live a full-throttle existence without resting from time to time. However, I need to remain vigilant in recognizing when it is time to move off the dime and jump back into the fray.

So, with that, dear friends, I am happy to report that after a break that lasted a little bit longer than anticipated, I am once again publishing my daily inspirations. This time out, however, I have chosen to publish the dailies on my blog-space in an effort to allow others to jump into the discussion. I encourage you to write and share your insights and opinions, for I came to realize years ago that I don't have the market cornered on reality. As I see each of us both teacher and student I ascribe to the notion that we learn best from one another. Regardless of how you choose to participate in the daily inspirations, I thank you for the opportunity to participate in your life. I thank you for giving me a reason to find my voice and for allowing me to become a channel through which universal truth sometimes flows. The process is wonderful... and so are you... And so it is!

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