Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11, 2007

As you can imagine, I spend a lot of time thinking about the roadblocks that people encounter that keep them from connecting with the notion that they are worthy of all of the good the universe has to offer. With the passage of time, I grow increasingly convinced that there is a direct connection between our capacity to love ourselves and our capacity to embody the energy necessary to attract abundance in ALL areas of our lives. I fully realize that on the surface at least, this line of thinking tends to "blame the victim" for it is usually negative life circumstances that precipitates feelings of low self-esteem, self-worth and self-love. How can I be judgmental about people who for whatever reason have been made to feel "less than" worthy of.... ? How can I possibly blame them for not being able to attract and create abundance in their lives when the world has dealt them such a bad hand?

In actuality, we are not dealing with judgment and blame, but rather we are dealing with universal law. If our thoughts and energy serve to create our reality, does it not stand to reason that our thoughts about ourselves serve to inform the reality that we are creating? In other words, if we think poorly about ourselves, we will attract things and people and experiences that will confirm our beliefs we hold about ourselves and what we feel we deserve. And when we think loving and affirming thoughts about ourselves, we also attract things and people and experiences that will confirm our beliefs we hold about ourselves and what we feel we deserve. So how can we use this knowledge to help create a different experience?

I don't mean to suggest that a change of mind and a change of attitude is as easy as flipping on a light-switch. In fact, it can take years of sometimes painful work to move beyond the consciousness of limitation and victimization. However, by spending time each day to get in touch with the source and working to open ourselves to love, we move closer to developing a habit of self love.... we move closer to attracting abundance in the areas of health, wealth, love and personal power.... we move closer to believing that we are worthy of all the good the universe has to offer.... And so we are... And so it is!

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