Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007

I watched the news this evening and the lead story was about the terrible ice storms that have hit a number of states in the heartland of the United States. The prediction is that it will take a week or more for the power to be restored to tens of thousands of home. The only time I ever experienced a long-term utility outage was when I was living in Los Angeles during the Northridge earthquake and was without power for nine days... but that was Los Angeles and although it was January, it was relatively warm outside. I can't imagine enduring a loss of utilities in the throes of winter.

I spent the rest of the evening reflecting on how much we take for granted. It reminds me of the Joni Mitchell lyrics, "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til it's gone..." I realized that somehow or another I have fallen out of the practice of starting each day with prayers and thoughts of gratitude. You see, for the longest time, I would begin each day reflecting on all of the things for which I am grateful. As I believe that you will get more of the things you focus on, I think it is essential for us to spend time giving thanks for all that we are... for all that we have.. and for all that we are becoming. Regardless of how I got out of the habit, a simple story on the evening news served to remind me to once again begin each day with my ritual of giving thanks... And I have so much for which to be thankful!

Just for today, spend some time giving thanks for all of the blessings in your life. Remember that "where the mind goes, the energy flows." Take note of the new blessings that arrive in your life as you develop a habit of gratitude. You will find that the more gratitude you express, the more abundance you will attract. And for the record... you are a beautiful ray of light worthy of all the good in the universe... And I am eternally grateful for your allowing me to participate in your life. And so it is.

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