Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31, 2008

Our two most precious resources are time and energy. Everything that we have, everything that we are and everything that we are becoming somehow relates to, or is the by-product of how we spend our time and energy. Because we have a limited supply of both, I try and remain aware of where and how I am spending my time and energy, to ensure that I am constantly creating and attracting my highest good. It seems easier to keep track of time than energy, in part because unless we pay close attention to it, our energy can get sapped by things without our intention or permission. One of the examples that comes to mind of how we can waste energy is in the dealing with tolerations.

When working with coaching clients, I give them a program called, "Clean Sweep" that helps them identify things in their lives that they are tolerating. Tolerations vary from person to person but can include everything from unpaid bills to important conversations you have been meaning to have, to the upkeep and maintenance of your car. Depending on what you are tolerating, you could be spending a lot of energy either avoiding something or possibly dealing with something that you could otherwise change. Unfortunately, it usually isn't until you clear the toleration that you realize that it has consumed precious energy. In retrospect, it is usually better to expend the energy to clear the toleration that it is to live with it.

Think about an area of your life where you are tolerating some dissatisfaction or discomfort. Take the steps necessary to rid the tolerations. Remember that by cleaning the tolerations, it frees your energy to help create the kind of life that you desire and deserve. And you deserve every happiness, as you are an amazing contribution to the world. And so it is.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29, 2008

On the History Channel this past weekend appeared a series of programs relating to the end of the world. Program after program predicted or speculated about how and when the world (at least the world as we know it) will come to an end. One of the more startling predictions which comes from both the Mayan Calendar as well as the I-Ching, was that the world will end on the morning of the winter solstice (December 21), 2012. Other programs talked at length about such issues as a possible shift in the earth's polarity, cataclysmic earthquakes, and global flooding caused by global warming.

At first, I got emotionally sucked in because of the fear factor associated with the demise of the planet. But then I started thinking about the fact that short of doing my part to help live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, I have little control over events that might happen to bring about the end of days. For the rest of the day, I thought about the implications of the world possibly coming to an end in five years. On a humorous note, I was relieved that I could give up worries about starting my retirement savings a bit too late.... On a more serious note, I started thinking about all of the things that I would want to do before the final curtain fell.

The questions then became:

* What do I want to accomplish in this lifetime?
* What do I need to do to get to that place?
* If I want to die with no regrets, what do I need to do to clean the plate?
* What do I need to do to release any notion of postponing joy?
* To whom do I need to express my love?
* How can I, in the most responsible way live for today?

Just for today, think about the fact that regardless of what the future may or may not hold, each day is a gift. We are all here to become all that we are meant to be. And above all, we are here to help each other get back to the garden through the development and perpetuation of love. Life is amazing.. and so are you. And so it is.

Monday, January 28, 2008

January 28, 2008

I got a call from my childhood friend Mary asking if I was available for lunch. I jumped at the chance because although we live in the same city and have spoken several times on the phone since moving back to Pittsburgh, we had not seen each other for more than ten years. Mary and I met in 6th grade when she moved across the street from me and we became best friends. Throughout grade-school, high school and the early college years, we remained very close and together, survived our tumultuous adolescence. Mary was really more than a friend.. she was more like a member of my family... even accompanying us on a number of family vacations.

As is often the case when physical distance separates friends, we fell out of touch when I left home to pursue my life. But Mary and I had built such a strong bond that the distance and years had little impact on my deep devotion and love for her. She was such an important part of my past that in my heart, I knew we would always be connected. During our lunch, we spent hours catching up. Seeing her again was a little like reliving our past... good times.. bad times... joys and pain... all of it came washing over us. As our lunch drew to a close I was so happy to have reconnected.

For several days following our lunch, I spent a lot of time reflecting on who I was and on who Mary was some 30 years ago. It was easy to see how each of us grew into the people that we did, as the foundation for who we are was firmly established back then. Although I don't think it is a good thing to dwell in the past, you can gain a lot of insight into who you are by remembering who you were. Even more important however is to reach out over the years and miles to reconnect with those who played a meaningful role in your life and who helped you become who you are. The love is still there, as real love never stops. And so it is.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 16, 2008

One of the things I have learned as I make my way through life is that we are all seeking to confirm that we matter. We want to know that our presence on the planet makes a difference. We want to know that the work we do is important and something for which we can both be recognized and proud. We want to know that the energy we put into relationships is somehow contributing to a higher good. And yes, we all want to know that we are loved. This stuff is universal.

It is interesting to note, however, that for many people, when the confirmation that they seek comes, it is often rebuffed. Although I loved to hear compliments and praise, my response to their delivery was usually to negate what had been said, either verbally or internally. I didn't realize that I was doing this until a friend confronted me about it, upset that I denied anything positive. When I realized that he was trying to deliver a gift and I was refusing it, I learned how to be gracious and accept it. I learned to own the good stuff that was being delivered.

Just for today, recognize when someone is complimenting you or praising you for the contributions you make. Accept the praise... allow it in and know that you are worthy of it.... you are worthy of recognition... you are worthy of love. And so it is.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 15, 2008

As a part of my life coach training, I participated in a series of classes that helped me to get in touch with my personal foundation. You see, in order to build the kind of solid and stable life that I wanted, it was important for me to develop a strong foundation. Accordingly, I spent time and energy understanding where my baselines were strong and where they needed attention. Throughout my personal foundation work, I came to realize that I had a story with which I identified. It is more or less an accumulation of thoughts, ideas and beliefs that I hold about myself and about my potential to attract the kind of life that I want. We all have a story and we all frequently cast ourselves in a specific role.

As I work with people, I listen for their story and the role in which they cast themselves. Whether that role is the underdog, the hero, the addict, or the victim, (and there are many more...) their telling and retelling of their story reveals the belief system that is keeping them stuck where they are. The more a person identifies with their story, the more difficult it becomes for them to move beyond it and develop a new reality. Our story line tends to perpetuate itself because the laws of creation and attraction more or less give us what we believe we deserve. In other words, we attract people and experiences into our lives that reinforce who we are... that reinforce our role... that reinforce our story. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to matter how painful or negative the story is, we tend to hang onto it and define ourselves by it.

Just for today, listen to the people around you and try and determine what their story is. If you listen to any one person for any length of time, you will be able to see the role in which they have cast themselves. Then, if you have not already done so, listen to yourself to see if there are patterns that surface when you speak. Are you unknowingly playing a role that is keeping you from creating your perfect life? In spite of what you might learn, remember that the past does not equal the future and you are free to rewrite your story at any point in time. Change your story and change your life. Remember that you are worthy of the best that this world has to give. And so it is.

Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14, 2008

My dreams of late have been both vivid and memorable and most of them have revolved around the theme of transition. For the past several weeks, I have dreamt of crossing bridges, boarding planes or trains or driving.... all of which signify to me, some sort of change on the horizon. I don't normally remember my dreams so when I do, they usually mean I should pay attention to them. And whenever I dream of transition, I get really excited as it usually serves to announce a new way of thinking or being. Rather than viewing my dreams as an ominous portent of things to come, I opt to see things in a more positive light. Rather than looking for cues and signs of impending doom or gloom, I begin to look for subtle cues or signs that lead my thinking and behavior in a good direction.

Last night I had a dream that I was supposed to deliver a key-note address to a really large audience. For some reason, I found myself sitting at a table, waiting to be introduced and I had not yet written my address. At the last minute, with pen in hand, I jotted down some thoughts. Looking down at the paper, I read that I had written the inspiration for my talk... "transcend your thinking." The dream ended as I was walking to the podium with a feeling that I was about to deliver a powerful message to the audience. And when I woke this morning, the thoughts about transcending your thinking were still ringing in my ears. Again, rather than thinking about the dream as a dire warning, I see it as an inspiration to bring about positive change.

So... from my dreams to you.. the message for this day is to transcend your thinking. A consistent theme running through my writings is that because your thoughts create your reality, changing the thoughts that you think will bring about a new way of living... a new way of being. However, the message in my dream includes the image of transcendence, which denotes more than simply changing your mind... rather it indicates rising above or moving to a higher plane of consciousness. Rather than choosing to think different thoughts, the message seems to be to adopt a new way of thinking... a new way of being. However you choose to personalize it, spend some time this day thinking about transcendence and moving to a higher state of being. What kind of thinking would you need to adopt to assist with transcendence? How could you open to love today to help with seeking higher ground? How could you serve to be a ve hicle for love in your life and in the lives of others today? Remember this day and always that you are worthy of all of the love in the universe... And so it is.

Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11, 2008

One of the most difficult decisions that anyone can make is to decide to end a relationship. Regardless of whether the relationship is a life partner, a significant-other, a friend or colleague, the decision to terminate the relationship can be laced with fear, anxiety and pain. Unfortunately, many people are so afraid of the pain associated with the demise of a relationship that they decide to stay in it to avoid the pain. In many cases, the fear of abandonment (even if you are the one initiating the break-up) is so great that it is deemed better to endure what currently is, rather than to move on. The sad truth is that if you are in a situation that is robbing you of who you are.... if, within this relationship, you cannot be the full expression of who you are meant to be... if you are involved with a "toxic" person... you are already in pain. And staying in the relationship, in most cases will continue to bring pain. T he question then becomes, "Is the pain that I know better than the pain that I anticipate?"

When working with someone to help them make this kind of life decision, I don't force my reality on them. However, having survived the break-up of several meaningful relationships, I can attest that the pain associated with ending a relationship ends at some point. Yes, it hurts badly... so badly that it can make you question whether you can get out of bed and face each day. But that kind of pain eventually dissipates and leaves you with the prospects of a new beginning.... a new way of being... a new you. Conversely, if you stay in a relationship that does not celebrate and support who you are, chances are that you are not feeling fully alive. If you are not given permission to be all that you can be, your life may feel somewhat diminished.

If you are involved in any kind of relationship that is not serving your highest good, it may be time to consider whether or not you should continue it. It is important to remember that we are all here to be the full expression of love and joy and happiness that we can be. And anything that serves to limit or diminish us... anything that robs us of our ability to love ourselves and others, has no business in our lives. Above all, remember that you are a beautiful ray of light and worthy of all of the love in the universe. And so it is.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 10, 2008

As often as I can, I spend time with my friend Daviea and we create glass mosaic art. She doesn't like when I say this but Daviea is a "real artist." She likes to think that everyone is an artist and everything that is produced is art. No matter what I create, Daviea truly believes that it is beautiful. She is such a talented artist, in part because she is completely open to life and all of the energy around her. Accordingly, she is able to see and experience things on a level that many of us don't or won't. Not only has she taught me a lot about the art of glass mosaic, but she has taught me a lot about the art of remaining open to life and all that it sends my way.

One of the reasons that I enjoy my friendship with Daviea is that no matter what is going on in our lives, we end up laughing long and hard. Its not that we ignore our feelings. On the contrary.. we remain very open to "whatever is." In fact, we talk at great length about what we are experiencing and rather than shutting down, we remain open to the vastness of whatever is there. One of our favorite expressions is, "So this is what it is like to be angry, or in great pain, or scared out of my wits." It seems like the more you try and deny your feelings, the more control they have over you and the more fixated you become. Ironically, when you try and deny a particular feeling or emotion, you end up viewing and experiencing the world through the lens of the emotion you are denying. In other words, stuff your anger and the world becomes a hostile place... stuff your fear a nd the world gets even more scary.... stuff your pain and you see the potential for pain all around you.

Just for today, allow yourself your full range of emotions. Remember that you are entitled to feel everything that you feel. Recognize that what you are experiencing is simply an emotional weather pattern passing through. Realize that you can't pick and choose which emotions you are going to stuff. So by giving yourself permission to experience your pain or anger or fear, you are also giving yourself permission to be open to the joy and happiness and abundance and love that is all around you. By allowing the dark cloud to move through, rather than becoming it, you are able to release it and once again dance in the light. And so it is.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 9, 2008

When I work with students and coaching clients, I tend to think of them as both being and having unlimited potential. I find it is important to deal with people as if they have no limitations, no tethers, nothing holding them back other than their own beliefs about who they are and what they deserve. The reality is, when we deal with people as if they are more than the current expression of themselves, we give them permission to grow and unfold into a state of magnificence. When we challenge people to think about themselves in terms of being "unlimited," we allow them to expand their consciousness of who they are, thereby prompting their minds to discover ways to become more of who they were meant to be.

Occasionally, we find ourselves desiring to encourage those we care about to take the steps to break free from their limiting past. However, this can be a slippery slope. The reality is, people won't create change unless they are ready to do so and attempting to impose your ideas of how their life "should" work introduces an energy into the mix that could be counter-productive to their growth. Yes, sometimes we can see quite clearly the thought and behavior processes that are keeping them stuck in a holding pattern. But even when we know what steps they could take to dramatically a lter the course of their life, we can't force that change on them. They would only resent us for it and ultimately, it wouldn't help them to learn the lessons they are here to learn. The best thing to do in this kind of situation is to love them through it. Even more importantly, it is critical that rather than focusing on how others should live (no matter how much you love them), to continue to focus on your own path so that you may continue to grow and unfold into all you are meant to be.

Just for today, think about how your thoughts and behaviors might be limiting the people in your life (including you). Think about how you might free yourself and other from any prescribed way of living, loving and being. Remember that we are all unlimited potential and will grow and unfold according to our thoughts, ideas and beliefs and according to our own natural rhythm and tempo. Most importantly, focus on the love that is all around you and that is ready to support you in your becoming. You are beautiful. And so it is.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 8, 2008

Have you ever pretended that you didn't see someone in order to avoid interacting with that person? It is easy to forget that sometimes people make "guest appearances" in our lives for a specific reason. By the way.... chances are if you have seen them, not only have they seen you too, but they intuit that you are avoiding an interaction. It is better to just politely wave hello and be on your merry way. In some instances, I feel compelled to avoid people who sap me of energy. In other instances however, what I am really avoiding is dealing with unfinished business. Unfinished business might be as simple as having a difficult conversation with someone, or it might be as complex as dealing with the fallout from the demise of a relationship. Regardless of what it is, it is important that we realize that when we don't clean up unfinished business , there is a part of us that is stuck in the past.

In order to grow and unfold in every area of our lives, it is important for us to get free from our past. It is surprising how much energy it takes to haul around the baggage associated with unfinished business. Believe it or not, even if we are not faced with the fallout every day, it is still robbing us of vital energy that we could be using to help create wonderful things in the present. By the way, if you don't deal with your unfinished business, the universe has a way of sending it back your way. In other words, the lessons will reappear until we learn them. Accordingly, it is better to deal with things in the present rather than at some point in the future.

Just for today, think of an area in your life in which you are somewhat stuck in your past. What kind of unfinished business do you need to address? What do you need to do in order to get totally clear of your past? Who have you been avoiding and why? Remember that sometimes you need to clear the dead wood out of the forest so the living trees can become even more alive and grow to reach their potential. It is amazing how once you are clear of your past, you will have a renewed energy and vision and passion that will help you co-create a lift that is sure to exceed your wildest dreams. You are an amazing ray of light... Complete your unfinished business so that you can shine as brightly as you were meant to. And so it is.

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Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7, 2008

I guess it is human nature for us to view the world through the lens of our lived experience. We receive an amazing amount of information every moment of every day, all of which helps us develop thoughts, ideas and beliefs about life. When we open ourselves up to new experiences or the possibility that there may be more to life than we realize, our view of the world expands to accommodate a larger reality than we previously possessed. Conversely, when we shy away from things that are new or different or refuse to acknowledge that "there is more," our lived reality pretty much stays the same.

To make things more interesting, we are each born with a set of gifts, skills and talents that predispose us to having unique life experiences. Accordingly, it stands to reason that your experience of the world may be completely different from mine... but that does not make one any more or less valid than another. It is exactly this kind of logic that makes me question how we can completely dismiss the lived reality of another person, simply because it is not our reality. It is completely narrow-minded to profess that something doesn't exist or is "wrong" simply because I have never felt, seen or experienced it. For example, just because I was raised in the Christian tradition, it does not mean that all other religions are less valid. In fact, the more I explore other ways of believing... Buddhism for example, the more I realize that there are other ways of being that can lead me to a deeper higher ground... to a sense of connected ness with others and the universe around me. Again, it does not mean that I will abandon Christianity, but by making room for additional thoughts, ideas and beliefs, I open to a new world of possibility.

Just for today, explore how you may be limiting your life experience by closing off to things that are outside of your current reality. Think about how you may have dismissed the reality of others simply because it does not mirror your reality. Realize that our capacity to grow and continue to unfold does not diminish with age.. but rather diminishes based on our willingness to attract people and experience that falls outside of our prescribed notion of the way things are or the way things "should be." Above all, remember that you are a beautiful ray of light who is here to experience all of the love and joy that the universe has to offer... if you stay open to it. It is wonderful.. And so are you. And so it is.

Friday, January 4, 2008

January 4, 2008

When I work with my coaching clients, I spend a good deal of time focusing on the things that influence them in their day-to-day lives. One of the realities of living in a world full of constant stimulation is that unless we remain conscious of it, we can come under the influence of things and people without fully realizing it. I find that one of the most harmful influences that we encounter are "toxic people." Toxic people are always complaining and blaming others for things in their lives. They are highly judgmental and consistently talk about other people in negative terms.

Toxic people seem to attract and perpetuate negativity no matter where they go. Because they are operating from a place of energy deficit, they are attracted to the energy of others. Unfortunately, without realizing it, toxic people rob other people of their energy without giving anything back in return. Toxic people more often than not, bring tension and stress and disorder to your day. They serve to extinguish your hopes and dreams and try and dissuade you from taking the necessary steps to build your perfect life. In short, they try and bring you down to their level rather than allowing you to reach new heights. When interacting with toxic people, you are left feeling zapped and drained of your vital life energy.

Unfortunately, you cannot "fix" a toxic matter how much yoof your to. So in spite ofyour best intentions, you are wasting precious time and energy when you try and change their way of being and raise their standard of living. Accordingly, if you have toxic people in your sphere of influence, steer clear of them! Rather, surround yourself with people who believe in themselves... people who share your vision for creating a most beautiful life... people who will celebrate who you are and who you are becoming.. people who are also on a path of growth and enlightenment. Protect your energy so that you can use it to create your perfect life. Remember that you are worthy of the best this world has to offer. And so it is.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

January 3, 2008

My dentist has a sign hanging in his office that reads, "If you ignore your teeth, they will go away." In a way, I look at this sign as a metaphor for the need to take care of and tend to the important things and people in your life. The reality is, anything in which you invest your time and energy will grow and flourish and stay healthy and strong. And anything that goes untended will eventually wither and go away. The more important reality is that our two most precious resources are time and energy. Unfortunately, we have a limited supply of both. Accordingly, it is vital that we take a good look at where we are investing our time and energy to ensure that the things that have the most value to us are not left to wither and eventually go away.

One of the best ways to decide where to invest your time and energy is to take a personal inventory of the things that matter most to you. Some of the things that matter most will be obvious to you but others might not. For example, we don't always pay close attention to our health but it is critical that we not take it for granted lest it take a turn for the worse. Accordingly, if we value our health, we need to invest time and energy in it in order to maintain it. Likewise, we can have important relationships with family and friends that we might take for granted but when we don't invest the time and energy into maintaining them, they too can take a turn for the worse.

Just for today, spend some time getting in touch with where you are investing your time and energy. Make sure you focus on all aspects of your life, including your body, your intellect, your spirit, your emotions, and your critical relationships. Are the objects of your attention the things that matter most to you? Do you need to reconsider how you are spending your limited amount of time and energy to ensure that the things that matter most continue to grow, flourish and prosper? Are you remembering to invest time and energy in yourself as well as in others? The reality is, you are sending messages to yourself and others and to the universe by where you put your energy. Work to ensure that the contributions of time and energy are serving your highest good... for you deserve all of the good the universe has to offer. And so it is.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 2, 2008

I find it difficult to wrap my mind around the concept of infinity. The thought of anything being limitless is hard to fathom, especially since I was taught and conditioned to think of the world in terms of lack and limitation. Yet, somewhere deep in my soul, I trust that there is an unlimited amount of love in the universe...waiting to be tapped....available to anyone who seeks conditions... no cost... no kidding. I have begun to use this line of thinking to expand the presence of love in my own life. Because my love is connected to universal love, I have access to an unlimited supply of it and can share it freely without fear of running out. And without the fear that I have a limited supply, I can open the flood gates and serve as a channel for universal love to move through me and out into the world.

When I think about how many of us have been taught to think about love, I reflect on the conditional nature of how we treat with love.... meaning, I will only share my love with another if (fill in the blank). I pause to think that perhaps the concept of "conditional love" stems from fear.... fear that one's love won't be reciprocated... fear based on a consciousness of limitation (I only have so much, so I reserve it for those most deserving)... fear that I am neither worthy of loving others or of being loved in return... It stands to reason that if conditional love is fear-based, it isn't love at all. And I wonder what it would take for all of mankind to cast off the filters that keep us from connecting with real love and embrace a new way of being.

Just for today, work with the concept of limitless love. How does the knowing that love has no constraints change the way you think about your place in the world? How would your relationship with fear change? How would you work to develop a new consciousness related to your purpose for being here? And what responsibility do you have to work to cultivate unconditional love in your life? The wonderful reality is, there are no limits to the love that you can invite into your life. And there are no limits to the amount of love that you can receive in your life. You need do nothing but exist and open to it's presence. Remember on this day above all others that you are an amazing ray of light worthy of all the love the universe has to offer. And so it is.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 1, 2008

My sister and I went for a walk several days ago and part of our lively conversation included a reference to New Year's resolutions. I have given a lot of thought to how I might use the energy of a new year to bring about positive change in my life. Rather than developing a laundry list of rules about things I will and will no longer do, I began to think about who I want to be in all aspects of my life. And rather than trying to fit my behavior into a specific mold of who I "should" be, I wanted to develop a way and habit of thinking that will compel me to continue to unfold into all that I am meant to be. You see, I believe that if we develop and hold close a vision of something, we can use our mental focus and the laws of attraction to bring it into being. I also believe that because we are all connected to the infinite intelligence of the universe, we have access to an amazing amount of information. We can use our own intelligence to help us answer any question or problem we put to it. In fact, when we seek an answer to a question or problem, our mind immediately begins to work on coming up with a solution. Accordingly, by asking specific questions of yourself relating to who you are wanting to and meant to become, and by holding a vision of what that looks and feels like, you set in motion, the energy likely to precipitate change.

As I have written in the past, I begin each morning expressing gratitude for all that I have, for all that I am, and for all that I am becoming. Again, the underling thought being... the things upon which you focus, you are likely to attract. But in addition to dwelling in a state of thanks, I now also ask of myself and the universe, a series of questions. By focusing on these questions first thing in the morning, throughout the day, my mind will seek ways to express an answer to these questions. I will attract people, things and situations to me that will provide opportunities for growth in these specific areas. I share my questions with you only as an example of how I intend on using this process in my life.

How can I do right by my body today (in reference to things like rest, nutrition, exercise)?

How can I do right by my relationships today (in reference to my partner, my family, my friends, my colleagues)?

How can I do right by the environment today (in reference to things like recycling, energy use, consumerism)?

How can I do right by my finances today (in reference to things like streams of income, appropriate spending, reducing debt)?

How can I make a positive contribution to others today?

How can I experience something new today?

How can I express my love today (of myself, of others, of the universe)?

So, in closing, my New Year's resolution is to spend time each morning when I get up, focusing on the questions that will help me continue along my path. If I notice that some area or aspect of my life is stagnant or manifesting signs of lack (rather than abundance), I will develop new questions that will keep me moving in a positive direction in that area. The point is, when we are mindful and intentional with our thinking, we are able to continue to grow and unfold into the magnificent beings we are meant to be. With that, I bid you a most blessed and Happy New Year and I remind you that you are worthy of all of the love that the universe has to offer. And so it is