Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 8, 2008

Have you ever pretended that you didn't see someone in order to avoid interacting with that person? It is easy to forget that sometimes people make "guest appearances" in our lives for a specific reason. By the way.... chances are if you have seen them, not only have they seen you too, but they intuit that you are avoiding an interaction. It is better to just politely wave hello and be on your merry way. In some instances, I feel compelled to avoid people who sap me of energy. In other instances however, what I am really avoiding is dealing with unfinished business. Unfinished business might be as simple as having a difficult conversation with someone, or it might be as complex as dealing with the fallout from the demise of a relationship. Regardless of what it is, it is important that we realize that when we don't clean up unfinished business , there is a part of us that is stuck in the past.

In order to grow and unfold in every area of our lives, it is important for us to get free from our past. It is surprising how much energy it takes to haul around the baggage associated with unfinished business. Believe it or not, even if we are not faced with the fallout every day, it is still robbing us of vital energy that we could be using to help create wonderful things in the present. By the way, if you don't deal with your unfinished business, the universe has a way of sending it back your way. In other words, the lessons will reappear until we learn them. Accordingly, it is better to deal with things in the present rather than at some point in the future.

Just for today, think of an area in your life in which you are somewhat stuck in your past. What kind of unfinished business do you need to address? What do you need to do in order to get totally clear of your past? Who have you been avoiding and why? Remember that sometimes you need to clear the dead wood out of the forest so the living trees can become even more alive and grow to reach their potential. It is amazing how once you are clear of your past, you will have a renewed energy and vision and passion that will help you co-create a lift that is sure to exceed your wildest dreams. You are an amazing ray of light... Complete your unfinished business so that you can shine as brightly as you were meant to. And so it is.

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