Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 1, 2008

My sister and I went for a walk several days ago and part of our lively conversation included a reference to New Year's resolutions. I have given a lot of thought to how I might use the energy of a new year to bring about positive change in my life. Rather than developing a laundry list of rules about things I will and will no longer do, I began to think about who I want to be in all aspects of my life. And rather than trying to fit my behavior into a specific mold of who I "should" be, I wanted to develop a way and habit of thinking that will compel me to continue to unfold into all that I am meant to be. You see, I believe that if we develop and hold close a vision of something, we can use our mental focus and the laws of attraction to bring it into being. I also believe that because we are all connected to the infinite intelligence of the universe, we have access to an amazing amount of information. We can use our own intelligence to help us answer any question or problem we put to it. In fact, when we seek an answer to a question or problem, our mind immediately begins to work on coming up with a solution. Accordingly, by asking specific questions of yourself relating to who you are wanting to and meant to become, and by holding a vision of what that looks and feels like, you set in motion, the energy likely to precipitate change.

As I have written in the past, I begin each morning expressing gratitude for all that I have, for all that I am, and for all that I am becoming. Again, the underling thought being... the things upon which you focus, you are likely to attract. But in addition to dwelling in a state of thanks, I now also ask of myself and the universe, a series of questions. By focusing on these questions first thing in the morning, throughout the day, my mind will seek ways to express an answer to these questions. I will attract people, things and situations to me that will provide opportunities for growth in these specific areas. I share my questions with you only as an example of how I intend on using this process in my life.

How can I do right by my body today (in reference to things like rest, nutrition, exercise)?

How can I do right by my relationships today (in reference to my partner, my family, my friends, my colleagues)?

How can I do right by the environment today (in reference to things like recycling, energy use, consumerism)?

How can I do right by my finances today (in reference to things like streams of income, appropriate spending, reducing debt)?

How can I make a positive contribution to others today?

How can I experience something new today?

How can I express my love today (of myself, of others, of the universe)?

So, in closing, my New Year's resolution is to spend time each morning when I get up, focusing on the questions that will help me continue along my path. If I notice that some area or aspect of my life is stagnant or manifesting signs of lack (rather than abundance), I will develop new questions that will keep me moving in a positive direction in that area. The point is, when we are mindful and intentional with our thinking, we are able to continue to grow and unfold into the magnificent beings we are meant to be. With that, I bid you a most blessed and Happy New Year and I remind you that you are worthy of all of the love that the universe has to offer. And so it is

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've really been finding aspirations helpful in guiding me and I like your "study questions". I was thinking this morning about how, when I am clear and happy, I come into every situation with a simple agenda to serve. I think the results of our intentions alone are very powerful. Love you, Deb