Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7, 2008

I guess it is human nature for us to view the world through the lens of our lived experience. We receive an amazing amount of information every moment of every day, all of which helps us develop thoughts, ideas and beliefs about life. When we open ourselves up to new experiences or the possibility that there may be more to life than we realize, our view of the world expands to accommodate a larger reality than we previously possessed. Conversely, when we shy away from things that are new or different or refuse to acknowledge that "there is more," our lived reality pretty much stays the same.

To make things more interesting, we are each born with a set of gifts, skills and talents that predispose us to having unique life experiences. Accordingly, it stands to reason that your experience of the world may be completely different from mine... but that does not make one any more or less valid than another. It is exactly this kind of logic that makes me question how we can completely dismiss the lived reality of another person, simply because it is not our reality. It is completely narrow-minded to profess that something doesn't exist or is "wrong" simply because I have never felt, seen or experienced it. For example, just because I was raised in the Christian tradition, it does not mean that all other religions are less valid. In fact, the more I explore other ways of believing... Buddhism for example, the more I realize that there are other ways of being that can lead me to a deeper higher ground... to a sense of connected ness with others and the universe around me. Again, it does not mean that I will abandon Christianity, but by making room for additional thoughts, ideas and beliefs, I open to a new world of possibility.

Just for today, explore how you may be limiting your life experience by closing off to things that are outside of your current reality. Think about how you may have dismissed the reality of others simply because it does not mirror your reality. Realize that our capacity to grow and continue to unfold does not diminish with age.. but rather diminishes based on our willingness to attract people and experience that falls outside of our prescribed notion of the way things are or the way things "should be." Above all, remember that you are a beautiful ray of light who is here to experience all of the love and joy that the universe has to offer... if you stay open to it. It is wonderful.. And so are you. And so it is.

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