Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 2, 2008

I find it difficult to wrap my mind around the concept of infinity. The thought of anything being limitless is hard to fathom, especially since I was taught and conditioned to think of the world in terms of lack and limitation. Yet, somewhere deep in my soul, I trust that there is an unlimited amount of love in the universe...waiting to be tapped....available to anyone who seeks conditions... no cost... no kidding. I have begun to use this line of thinking to expand the presence of love in my own life. Because my love is connected to universal love, I have access to an unlimited supply of it and can share it freely without fear of running out. And without the fear that I have a limited supply, I can open the flood gates and serve as a channel for universal love to move through me and out into the world.

When I think about how many of us have been taught to think about love, I reflect on the conditional nature of how we treat with love.... meaning, I will only share my love with another if (fill in the blank). I pause to think that perhaps the concept of "conditional love" stems from fear.... fear that one's love won't be reciprocated... fear based on a consciousness of limitation (I only have so much, so I reserve it for those most deserving)... fear that I am neither worthy of loving others or of being loved in return... It stands to reason that if conditional love is fear-based, it isn't love at all. And I wonder what it would take for all of mankind to cast off the filters that keep us from connecting with real love and embrace a new way of being.

Just for today, work with the concept of limitless love. How does the knowing that love has no constraints change the way you think about your place in the world? How would your relationship with fear change? How would you work to develop a new consciousness related to your purpose for being here? And what responsibility do you have to work to cultivate unconditional love in your life? The wonderful reality is, there are no limits to the love that you can invite into your life. And there are no limits to the amount of love that you can receive in your life. You need do nothing but exist and open to it's presence. Remember on this day above all others that you are an amazing ray of light worthy of all the love the universe has to offer. And so it is.

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