Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 9, 2008

When I work with students and coaching clients, I tend to think of them as both being and having unlimited potential. I find it is important to deal with people as if they have no limitations, no tethers, nothing holding them back other than their own beliefs about who they are and what they deserve. The reality is, when we deal with people as if they are more than the current expression of themselves, we give them permission to grow and unfold into a state of magnificence. When we challenge people to think about themselves in terms of being "unlimited," we allow them to expand their consciousness of who they are, thereby prompting their minds to discover ways to become more of who they were meant to be.

Occasionally, we find ourselves desiring to encourage those we care about to take the steps to break free from their limiting past. However, this can be a slippery slope. The reality is, people won't create change unless they are ready to do so and attempting to impose your ideas of how their life "should" work introduces an energy into the mix that could be counter-productive to their growth. Yes, sometimes we can see quite clearly the thought and behavior processes that are keeping them stuck in a holding pattern. But even when we know what steps they could take to dramatically a lter the course of their life, we can't force that change on them. They would only resent us for it and ultimately, it wouldn't help them to learn the lessons they are here to learn. The best thing to do in this kind of situation is to love them through it. Even more importantly, it is critical that rather than focusing on how others should live (no matter how much you love them), to continue to focus on your own path so that you may continue to grow and unfold into all you are meant to be.

Just for today, think about how your thoughts and behaviors might be limiting the people in your life (including you). Think about how you might free yourself and other from any prescribed way of living, loving and being. Remember that we are all unlimited potential and will grow and unfold according to our thoughts, ideas and beliefs and according to our own natural rhythm and tempo. Most importantly, focus on the love that is all around you and that is ready to support you in your becoming. You are beautiful. And so it is.

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